February 12, 2011


It's been POURING since I woke up this morning. Like, seriously pouring. I only went out to go grocery shopping with my dad, and even for just that short CAR trip, I got quite wet. So here's a picture and a poem about rain to honour the weather.


Tap, tap, tap
You drum your fingers against my window
Splash, splash, splash
Your puddles are out-of-order swimming pools
Slop, slop, slop
My pants are soaked, cause soccer's only canceled when you turn to snow
Screech, screech, screech
More cars are out, their inhabitants too timid to face you
Drip, drip, drip
You rush through the gutters and fall down into the bucket below
Ahh, ahh, ahh
At last you cease and the wonderful sun takes your place

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